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Sandeep Jain
Individual Running

I signed up for a six-month program with All In-Running as a run-up to the 2019 New Delhi Marathon and it has been a most beautiful journey since. While I have been a consistent runner for the past few years, having participated in a few half marathons, I never signed up for a program. Like many of us, I believed that running is just running, plain and simple, so why all the fuss of signing up for a program. But, I must say that the discovery by being in the All In-Running program has been amazing. What I like about it is the focus on injury-free running.
The coaches push you but never to an extent that you succumb to injuries, which could keep you off the road for long. The fact that the first question during each of the last 20 odd weekly review calls has been a version of ‘How is your body doing?’, speaks volumes about how careful the coaches want us to be while training. The focus on weekly mileage, with intermittent interval and tempo runs, together with physio and strength workouts, the advice to keep it slow and easy on long runs which seems a bit counter-intuitive and the focus on hydration which I had always ignored, has helped me improve tremendously. I understand my body much better and have started enjoying my runs even more than before. Not to forget that the community at All In-Running is just fantastic! I am delighted to know all the passionate runners who are always supporting and motivating one to do a bit more than what one believes one can! There is no doubt in my mind that I am a much better version of myself as a runner, than what I was when I started with All In Running and as much credit for this goes to him, as to me!

Namrata Joshipura
Namrata Joshipura
Individual Running

I joined All In Running in the year 2017 after I decided that I wanted to run a full marathon. I was directed to All In Running by a friend who was at the time training under the program. It’s been such a joyful, satisfying and an empowering journey for me. My coach continues to take my running ability to another level, something I had never imagined I could accomplish or even attempt. The extremely scientific and mindful coaching methodology of All In Running has resulted in two podiums and a 3:53 NY marathon for me. I look forward to my training irrespective of my work schedule, travel or family commitments and it is because of the passion that All In Running has ignited in me. The All In Running community is equally supportive and encouraging. It’s become my extended family, I look forward to continuing my running journey with All In Running. Thank you All In Running for igniting that passion, commitment, discipline and most importantly the love for running.

Vrinda Bhandari
Individual Running

I joined the All In Running program in preparation for my second Mumbai Full Marathon (TMM-2018), although I had been regularly taking (very helpful) advice from Nakul, founder of All In Running, in the run-up to TMM – 2017 and ADHM – 2018. Since I had some success in those runs, I decided to join All In Running formally. I had run my first full marathon in 3:35:29. My aim was to qualify for Boston, and so I wanted to run the race within 3:30. However, due to the fantastic All In Running training plan and regular monitoring, I was able to reduce my full marathon time by 14 minutes and finish in 3:21:17, thus comfortably being able to qualify for Boston. His approach of balancing my fast runs and slow/recovery runs worked perfectly, and I would highly recommend the All In Running program to both beginners and seasoned runners!! Another advantage of All In Running is the community of runners that one is introduced to, the running articles and blogs that are periodically shared on the WhatsApp group and the group runs that happen regularly.

Sanjay Chikara
Sanjay Chikara
Individual Running

I started my running journey 4 years ago, on January 2015. I struggled a lot initially with injuries, stamina and strength building. I learnt a lot from other runners and books and started doing well in 2016.
However, my health and performance gains started stagnating in 2017. I did many races in 2017 but could not improve my half marathon timing beyond 1:52 hours and full marathon beyond 4:32 hours. At this stage I realized I need proper guidance from a coach. I enquired about coaches in Delhi NCR and engaged with the All In Running training program in December 2017. It has been an incredible journey of learning a lot about running, injury prevention, and injury management. There have been fantastic improvements in my running form and 10K, half marathon and full marathon timings. Since December 2017, my half marathon timing has improved from 1:52 to 1:41, full marathon timing has improved from 4:32 to 3:57. Backed by a scientific approach and very well thought training programs which keep on improving and evolving as you progress, I could successfully complete the Comrades Marathon in 2018. Last 15 months under All In Running program have been the best part of my running journey. I plan to sign up for the next 12 months to achieve better goals in half marathon and full marathon. I am hugely thankful to All In Running for all the support and guidance.

Priya Bhatta.
Priya Bhattacharji
Individual Running

For nearly a decade, running has been a way of unwinding. Call it a guilt-ridden compensation for an unhealthy lifestyle, a form of meditation or precious me-time, running has been unquestionably sacrosanct. However, in the last couple of years, I had hit a lull with a huge dip in enthusiasm and performance. After careful consideration, I signed up with All In Running to rebuild my running base. Being mentored by my coach was an unusual experience initially – never had I journal led every run or discussed them at great length. Slowly, I realized its significance in assessing and building one’s progress. The All In Running program brings out the importance of “non-essentials” most runners tend to ignore such as regular physiotherapy, hydration, running gear and rest days. Additionally, there is a lot of experience and knowledge sharing on the online group that helps one continuously evolve as a runner. Not only did the five-month programme retrain me physically and mentally, but grew in me an appreciation of the sense of community running brings.

Tahseen A
Tahseen Alam

I joined All In Running in early 2018 as I was keen to restart my running journey after a break of over 5 years. I was not sure about how to get back to running and at the same time improve my overall fitness and strength levels.All In Running proved to be a really good experience. The All In Running personalized running plans that are customized based on your individual goals helped me to not only restart my running journey but also took my running to the next level. All In Running also connects you to a whole world of runners – experienced and beginner level. The friendship and support I continue to receive from the group help a lot in my running journey. It was because of my training with All In Running that I was able to achieve my first 10K in Meghalaya (Sohra marathon) in difficult and uphill terrain. I have recently relocated to East Africa but am keen to continue my journey with All In Running so I can boast about running my first marathon in Africa!

Gautam Bhasin
Gautam Bhasin

After engaging in various fitness-related activities (cycling, running, gyming etc) randomly and sparingly in the last 20 years, I began my running journey with All In Running in April 2018. I’ve always been undisciplined in most fitness activities I have engaged in and always pick up an injury in pursuit of achieving results too fast too soon. Another reason for me getting injured was my dependence on the internet or random advice coming from just anyone and everyone. All this changed as All In Running taught me how, how much and when to run. Most importantly, they taught me what not to do and what activities and style of running is harmful for me/my body. I’ve learnt to understand limitations and capability of my body well.

Arjun K
Arjun Kalia
Climbing Training

Climbing atop this mountain is easily the most difficult activity that has challenged me both physically and mentally. But maybe I was destined to accomplish this and my coach Chetan Sehgal and the ALL IN team would leave no stone unturned in the last few months to prepare me for this expedition. 

Sangita Gunaseelan

All In Running, has definitely changed the way I think and feel . Its 2 years and the gradual process of getting fit & healthy has helped me in the long run. My endurance and strength has definitely built up and I’m really glad I can control many aspects of my health and fitness by following this particular program.