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Our team of experienced nutrition coaches are passionate about guiding you towards sustainable dietary habits that nourish your body and mind. We take into account your goals, preferences, and any specific dietary restrictions or considerations you may have. Whether your aim is to lose weight, improve athletic performance, manage a medical condition, or simply enhance your overall well-being, we are here to provide the guidance you need.


Contact us today to learn more about our coaching program and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Together, we can unlock your full potential through the power of nutrition.

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Proven over years, our nutrition program is designed to help target your goals no matter what they may be. This is our most popular training plan. An entirely personalized experience with our nutrition coaches.

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Program Features Essential Premium
Initial assessment * *
Goal setting & journey mapping * *
Personalized meal plans *
Knowledge sharing * *
Habit based guidance * *
Review phone calls (per month) Fortnightly Weekly
Anytime support *


The AIR Nutrition program stands out by adopting a comprehensive and balanced approach rooted in Macrobiotics and Ayurveda principles. Unlike regular nutrition programs that rely on contemporary science, AIR considers not just nutritional value but also the energetic qualities of foods and their impact on the mind-body connection. While conventional programs may overlook the energetic aspects of food and their influence on stress
levels, AIR prioritizes individualization based on constitution, body type, strengths and weaknesses, energy balance, and overall well-being. Our approach goes beyond conventional nutritional science to offer a holistic and personalized path to health.

Keto and Paleo have short term benefits over long term sustainable well-being. These diets tend to be lower in carbohydrates, potentially leading to an initial adjustment period (keto flu) and impacting performance for some athletes, especially those engaged in high-intensity or long-duration exercise. On the other hand, in our holistic nutrition approach, whole grains, vegetables, and plant-based proteins provide sustained energy, which can be important for endurance activities like running, strength training.

AIR nutrition is beneficial for everyone, not just active individuals. We emphasize a personalized approach, considering individual needs, preferences, and overall well-being. By promoting whole foods, mindful eating, and balance, holistic nutrition supports optimal health for individuals of varying lifestyles and activity levels. We focus on the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional aspects makes it a holistic approach suitable for a diverse range of individuals. Consulting with our nutrition expert can help tailor holistic nutrition principles to individual circumstances – whether your goals are for an active lifestyle, to lose weight, or for a sedentary lifestyle where you want to address lifestyle related diseases or children’s nutrition.

Sustainable weight management involves making long-term lifestyle changes. Focus on portion control, eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods, and engage in regular physical activity. Avoid fad diets and instead adopt a balanced approach that you can maintain over time. Work with an experienced nutritionist to build correct knowledge and awareness about your daily nutrition choices. Understanding your body type also helps to make better choices to support your goal of sustainable healthy weight.

Holistic nutrition covers many facets beyond counting calories or micronutrients in our daily meals.

Whole and Wholesome: Our approach encourages the consumption of whole, minimally processed foods—Hearty whole grains, beans/pulses, nourishing vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins. Whole foods provide a broad spectrum of essential nutrients and phytonutrients that support overall health.
Tailored Just for You: We recognize that each person is unique, with different needs, preferences, and responses to food. A holistic nutrition approach tailors recommendations based on an individual's specific requirements, including factors like age, gender, health status, and lifestyle.
Natural Herbs & Roots: We work with natural roots, herbs, and non-caffeinated teas/drinks that enhance your body's natural abilities. Our plans support to elevate your vitality and stamina, and let nature be your guide to improved organ health.

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